My Public / Unpublished Books (27)

  • Alexa and Ben go on an adventure to learn about marine life. They find a plastic bag in the water and pick it up. They share their experience with their parents.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • Mary and John participate in a beach cleaning event, learn about food waste, and decide to encourage people to finish their food. They also find hidden spiders.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • by Yanling Lau
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  • Tom and Chris wonder why it's hot. Their mother explains global warming and how to reduce carbon emissions.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • Gemma learns about Covid-19 and shares the information with her mother and friends.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • Ben learns the importance of conserving water after a visit from Captain Water, who shows him a future with water scarcity.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • The Lim family's experience with Covid-19, including the death of their father and their journey to overcome the challenges.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • by Yanling Lau
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  • Covid-19
    by Yanling Lau
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  • by Yanling Lau
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  • :)
    by Yanling Lau
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  • by Yanling Lau
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  • Ryan goes to the park, sees someone littering, confronts them, and they clean up the lake together.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • by Yanling Lau
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  • World Climates
    by Yanling Lau
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  • An informative book that teaches children about the 3R rules: reduce, reuse, and recycle. It provides examples and tips on how to practice each rule.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • This book is about trying to tell people how much plastic waste, or any waste is causing environmental issues.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • Fifa and Jo explore the coral reefs, learn about the dangers of plastic pollution, and vow to protect the environment.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • Emily and Jordan go to the park for a picnic but find it filled with trash. They learn about the park cleaners and appreciate their work.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • John, a young boy, shares his story of being separated from his family and finding a new home with a squirrel's perspective. The story ends with questions for the reader.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • Woffy and Barky encounter dengue eggs at home and take steps to eliminate them, feeling satisfied in the end.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • by Yanling Lau
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  • Ben unknowingly contracts and spreads COVID-19, but recovers with medical help.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • by Yanling Lau
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  • The narrator discusses the heat, Halloween, and global warming. They then provide tips on energy conservation to help slow down global warming.
    by Yanling Lau
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  • A brief history of Singapore from a small fishing village to an independent country, highlighting key events and milestones.
    by Yanling Lau
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    by Yanling Lau
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