My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • by Marine Porchkhidze
  • please write your school name and decorate it on a blank page, your students can also decorate this book .
    by Marine Porchkhidze
    Eye Icon 428
    Star Icon 15
  • A list of tips and facts about environmental issues and how individuals can make a positive impact.
    by Marine Porchkhidze
    Eye Icon 51
  • During a storm at sea, a scholar criticizes a sailor's grammar. Later, when the ship is sinking, the sailor criticizes the scholar for not knowing how to swim.
    by Marine Porchkhidze
    Eye Icon 16
  • In Georgia, Christmas is celebrated on the 7th January. People participate in a parade called 'Alilo' and sing songs about Christ's birth. They decorate a traditional Christm…
    by Marine Porchkhidze
    Eye Icon 92
    Star Icon 14

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