My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A story of a hamster who forgets his homework and learns a lesson in honesty
    by mojo50307
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  • The Newsom family receives a surprise visit from a man offering them a kitten. After some hesitation, they decide to keep the cat and make toys for her.
    by mojo50307
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  • Coco, a koala, experiences an earthquake and loses his way home. With the help of friends, he finds his way back and his tree burns down. He is offered a new home with Willow…
    by mojo50307
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  • An alphabetical list of food items from A to Z, ending with 'The End'.
    by mojo50307
    Eye Icon 13
  • A brief description of the impact of COVID-19 on society, including its spread, effects on healthcare, education, and supply chains.
    by mojo50307
    Eye Icon 31
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