My Public / Unpublished Books (11)

  • A book about Barack Obama, 44th U.S. President from 2009 to 2017
    by nicholas2009
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  • This is a book about Abraham Lincoln, 16th President and was size 6'4", the tallest president of the United States
    by nicholas2009
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  • This is a fiction story. You can see Southampton, England, today.
    by nicholas2009
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  • A king and queen start a library in their kingdom, and a joke book becomes popular, bringing laughter to everyone.
    by nicholas2009
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  • After the first monster attack, the king and his advisers face more monsters. The Father, a giant monster, swallows everyone except the king. Some survive in his stomach. The…
    by nicholas2009
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  • by nicholas2009
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  • This is about a monster who attacks a village. Also there's going to be a part 2 on March 5, 2018
    by nicholas2009
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  • This is a book about countries named from letter A to letter Z
    by nicholas2009
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  • This is a book about Alexander Hamilton, one of the US Founding Fathers
    by nicholas2009
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  • A brief timeline of George Washington's life, from his birth to his death and beyond.
    by nicholas2009
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  • This is a small book about Donald John Trump Senior's life.
    by nicholas2009
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