In this project students will exchange information about their culture, traditions and lifestyles through communication and conversation.They will not only develop their language skills but also enrich general knowledge about the world. The project will help them develop colloborative skills and respect and tolerance towards other nations.The usage of modern technologies and apps will make the process of learning a foreign language more attractive and natural.It will also show that students can use modern technology not only for entertainment but also as a tool for work.
Aims of the project
The students will gain the skill of effective communication in English, overcome a language barier.This project will raise the students’ motivation to learn English and Computer Science, enrich their knowledge about modern IT tools.Students will learn about the customs and cultures of other nations.Thanks to this project learners can develop tolerance, passions, self-learning and group collaboration skills. They will enrich active and passive vocabulary, improve writing, reading and listening comprehension skills.The participants will learn how to use various information sources, information and communication technologies.
Work Process
The project takes 9 months.Students collaborate doing tasks and present the results on TwinSpace .They also record films,share and exchange them, post their opinions.The plan:
-Creation of student profiles(September 2020)
-Presentation of partner schools and the logo for the project(September2020)
-Preparation of a tourist brochure about your country / city of residence and landmarks in own country(October2020)
-My day at school:exchanging letters with students from partner schools, creating puzzles for students from the partner schools,checking the understanding of the text(November2020)
-Exchanging messages on eTwinning,online meetings of students(December 2020)
-eTwinning calendar and online meetings of students(January 2021)
-Our traditional dishes:making films or photo albums/Safer Internet Day (February 2021)
-My hobbes and duties:making crosswords or preparation of texts with hidden words for partner students(March 2021)
-Collaborative writing(April 2021)
-Evaluation(May 2021)
Expected Results
The final result will be improvement of students’ language skills and enrichment of their knowledge. As a result we plan to create a common comics album -students one by one from different partner schools create one common comics –one student makes the fragment(picture) of the comics the other one writes the text. The topic is connected with the information they got from the project and it will be the journey of a UFO man to the Earth who visited the countries of partner schools and is gong to describe his journey and some adventures on the earth using the information mentioned in different parts of the project. we will use https://www.storyjumper.com/ (April 2021)
Links of the project outcomes
The web site of the project
Presentation of schools
Common Product
Online meeting
Teachers Amine Gökcen from Turkey Atatürkçü Düşünce Ortaokulu and Alesia Asmushkina from Public Primary School nr 1 in Ozimek,Poland organised an online meeting for students which took place on 19th December. Students from schools in Poland and Turkey got to know each other and had a perfect occasion to speak ,ask questions aboout interesting things, life and culture of the country. The work of the students was brilliant, they eagerly took part in the conversaton and showed a very,very good level of English.Good job:)
Teachers Gülşah Usbay, Emek Ortaokulu, from Bursa in Turkey and Alesia Asmushkina from Public Primary School nr 1 in Ozimek,Poland organised an online meeting for students which took place on 23rd January 2021. Students from schools in Poland and Turkey got to know each other and had a perfect occasion to speak ,ask questions aboout interesting things, life and culture of the country. The work of the students was brilliant, they eagerly took part in the conversaton and showed a very,very good level of English.Good job:)
Our aim is to present the most interesting landmarks of participants' countries, enrich students' cultural knowledge.The common project was created by teachers from Poland,Turkey, France and their students.
This Cook Book was created with the help of the students and teachers from Poland,Turkey and France .It cointais interesting traditional recipes from these countries .This book will be a good souvenier and a source of cooking inspirations for students and teachers.
We also created collaboratively an eTwinning calendar using Canva.We formed 3 teams (teachers together with students), each team has 2 schools (Gulsah and Amine; Ergun and Isabelle; Alice and Anna).Every month was connected with some topic.
In our final part of international cooperation we created a common product-an interesting EBOOK-a story about the trip of an allien called Heyo to our planet.Heyo visits different countries,gets to know different people, life and culture on our planet. He discovers a lot of interesting things.
The story was created by the students with the support of teachers.Each school was responsible for one chapter.Every student had to write one by one a short continuation of the story and add some new sentences to develop the main storyline using the online platform StoryJumper:
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors

In this project students will exchange information about their culture, traditions and lifestyles through communication and conversation.They will not only develop their language skills but also enrich general knowledge about the world. The project will help them develop colloborative skills and respect and tolerance towards other nations.The usage of modern technologies and apps will make the process of learning a foreign language more attractive and natural.It will also show that students can use modern technology not only for entertainment but also as a tool for work.
Aims of the project
The students will gain the skill of effective communication in English, overcome a language barier.This project will raise the students’ motivation to learn English and Computer Science, enrich their knowledge about modern IT tools.Students will learn about the customs and cultures of other nations.Thanks to this project learners can develop tolerance, passions, self-learning and group collaboration skills. They will enrich active and passive vocabulary, improve writing, reading and listening comprehension skills.The participants will learn how to use various information sources, information and communication technologies.
Work Process
The project takes 9 months.Students collaborate doing tasks and present the results on TwinSpace .They also record films,share and exchange them, post their opinions.The plan:
-Creation of student profiles(September 2020)
-Presentation of partner schools and the logo for the project(September2020)
-Preparation of a tourist brochure about your country / city of residence and landmarks in own country(October2020)
-My day at school:exchanging letters with students from partner schools, creating puzzles for students from the partner schools,checking the understanding of the text(November2020)
-Exchanging messages on eTwinning,online meetings of students(December 2020)
-eTwinning calendar and online meetings of students(January 2021)
-Our traditional dishes:making films or photo albums/Safer Internet Day (February 2021)
-My hobbes and duties:making crosswords or preparation of texts with hidden words for partner students(March 2021)
-Collaborative writing(April 2021)
-Evaluation(May 2021)
Expected Results
The final result will be improvement of students’ language skills and enrichment of their knowledge. As a result we plan to create a common comics album -students one by one from different partner schools create one common comics –one student makes the fragment(picture) of the comics the other one writes the text. The topic is connected with the information they got from the project and it will be the journey of a UFO man to the Earth who visited the countries of partner schools and is gong to describe his journey and some adventures on the earth using the information mentioned in different parts of the project. we will use https://www.storyjumper.com/ (April 2021)
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