Title: Miss Dina Dinasour goes to Georgia
Summary: Miss Dinah is a dinasour that wants to be a traveling reporter. She has gone to dinasour school and has convinced a train engineer that she is harmless and needs a ride on the train. Read and see what happens to her.
Page Summary: Miss Dinah is a dinasour that wants to be a traveling reporter. She has gone to dinasour school and has convinced a train engineer that she is harmless and needs a ride on the train. Read and see what happens to her.
Page 1
By Margaret Duft
Hello Boys and Girls. Let me introduce my self to you. I am Miss Dinah Dinosaur from way back in the swamp. I have always wanted to be a traveling reporter and report the news, so I went to dinosaur school and learned to read and write. I didn't do very well with arithmetic tho, but I don't need it too much. Not where I come from, but you might need to learn it very well. Can you guess how I am going to travel?
I have made friends with the engineer on a freight train and I have finally convinced him that I am harmless. He said that I could ride on a flat car on the back of his train. Wasn't that nice of him? Now
I will tell you a little bit about me. I come from the diplodocous family. I am about 100 feet tall and I weigh about 50 tons. That is about one hundred thousand pounds. I have a very long neck so I can reach over tall trees. I have a very long tail and a small head. I am wearing a straw hat and carrying a note book and a pen. It is fun standing up on this flat car and riding along on the train. You should see the people staring at me as I go by. Some of them run and some just stare with their mouth open. It is fun to see what they do. The train is just getting into the state of Georgia. Georgia is called the peach state because they have peaches I guess. It makes me hungry just thinking about it. I also love nice fresh leaves from trees. I wonder where the train is going to stop. When it gets to a train station I want to climb down from the flat car and find some leaves to eat. I hope that there are some close by. Finally it looks like there is a town up ahead and a rail road station.
Here we go, and the train is stopping. There is a sign that says Atlanta. I found out that the capitol of Georgia is Atlanta. It is a large city. I see some trees on a street close to the station. I will climb down now and get some. I hope I don't cause any one to have a car accident when they see me. Well there is
some good looking leaves on that tree, I will grab some as I go by. Yum! They were good. Now I think I will walk on down the street and see what I can see before I have to go back to the train. I see a sign that says there is an aquarium. It says there are large whales and sharks in there. I bet I am bigger than
they are. I wonder what else there is close to here. Oh first I see some flowers that look delicious. I think I will grab some before I go. My they were tasty. Oh there is a crowd of people out there. I. I think I will close my eyes and rest until we get to the next railroad station. My, I must have gone to sle wonder what is going on? Oh, Oh, I think they are looking at me. I see some people with cameras and microphones. There is a man coming toward me. I think he is a policeman. What have I done? The engineer told me not to get into trouble and already something is happening. What should I do? I know I will write him a note and drop it down to him. I will tell him that I am harmless and he can check with the engineer on the train. My hand is shaking. Finally I have the note written. He is waving a club at me. Does he think I am going to hurt him? There, I have dropped the note down to him. He is running up and grabbing it and then running back. Now he is reading the note. I hope he can read my writing.
The policeman is talking to the crowd and then he is getting into his car and heading toward the train station. Those people are still down there taking pictures of me. I hope my hat is on straight. I will just stand here and look pretty until the policeman comes back. Now I see his car and he has the engineer with him. I hope the engineer isn't too angry with me. The policeman and the engineer is getting out of the car and the engineer is talking to the people. The people are starting to leave and the
policeman is writing a note. I hope it isn't a ticket. I don't have any money. The policeman is dropping the note in front of me. I will have to bend way down and pick it up. UGH, there I have it. I'm almost afraid to read it. It says I can go but do not eat any more of those flowers. They are the cherokee rose
and it is the state flower of Georgia. How did I know that? I won't do that again. You are not supposed to pick a state flower. My goodness there are so many rules to follow it is hard to know what to do.
I see a school over in the next block and there are a lot of children out playing base ball. All of a sudden the base ball game has stopped and they are all looking at me. Some one is running into the school and now they are coming out holding a big sign. It says welcome to Atlanta. We heard about you on the news. Would you like to come and watch us and they also had a baseball cap for me. How nice.
I will put it on and watch the game. O I hear a train whistle blowing. I wonder if my train is ready to leave? I will write a letter to the children and then drop it and the baseball cap down for them to get.
Now I better hurry back to the station before the train leaves. It is still there. I will hurry and climb up on the flat car and not get off again until the next place we go to. I wonder what my friends are doing
back at the swamp?
. They think I am silly for wanting to be a reporter but I am just reporting on where I am going and the places that are interesting. Ole Elmo lives back there and he is very grumpy. I will tell you about him. He is from the Ankylosaurus family. He is 25 ft long, has short legs and armored plates on his neck and back. He has horns behind his eyes and has a club on the end of his tail. No wonder he is grumpy
and he is always grumpy and complaining. He is always giving me a hard time about wanting to be a reporter. I just ignore him and go on about my business. One of my other friends is Miss Lizzy. She is from the apotasaurus family. She is about 60 feet long and weighs about twenty five tons. Lizzy. Has a long whipping tail. I wouldn't want to get her angry. It is a good thing it wasn't her that the policeman was getting after. Most of the time she is very sweet. She likes leaves and vegetation like I do. I must write her a note and tell her about the crowd and the policeman. She will get a laugh out of that.
The train is now starting up and we are on our way to another place in Georgia. I think I will close my eyes and rest until we get to the next railroad station. My, I must have gone to slewonder what is going on? Oh, Oh, I think they are looking at me. I see some people with cameras and microphones. There is a man coming toward me. I think he is a policeman. What have I done? The engineer told me not to get into trouble and already something is happening. What should I do? I know I will write him a note and drop it down to him. I will tell him that I am harmless and he can check with the engineer on the train. My hand is shaking. Finally I have the note written. He is waving a club at me. Does he think I am going to hurt him? There, I have dropped the note down to him. He is running up and grabbing it and then running back. Now he is reading the note. I hope he can read my writing.
ep for a while. We are pulling into the railroad station. It says Savannah Georgia. ep for a while. We are pulling into the railroad station. It says Savannah Georgia. I wonder what there is to see here
I am hungry again too. I hope that I can find something that is not the state tree or flower. I don't want to have any trouble here. Well I hear music coming from someplace. I think I will go find out
It sounds like bag pipes playing. There are some nice tall trees over on that street. I will head for it and eat some dinner. Well I guess I ate a little too much. The tree looks a little bare up on the top there but maybe no one will notice. I am going to find out what is going on with the music. Now I see the street is lined with a huge crowd of people. Every one is wearing green. My favorite color. The color of leaves. Oh it is a St Patrick's day parade. There is a band playing and some green cars. Oh my, some one has spotted me and they are running up waving a note. I wonder what it says. I have to bend down and get it again. Well I have it. It says they have heard about me and now they want me in their parade. Wow that is an honor. I will write them a note and tell them I accept. I must straighten my hat and then find some leaves to stick in the brim so I can have green on too. Now they are motioning me to follow them and go up to the front of the parade. Here we go and the band is playing Irish eyes are smiling. Boy, that was a long parade. I am a little tired but wait until I tell Ole Elmo about this. I am getting famous. He will be green with envy. Now people are coming over to me with notes. They want me to
sign them so they can keep it for a souvenir. Wow,I am getting tired I have signed so many notes. Well finely the crowd is gone and I think I better get back to the train. It is still there so I will crawl up on the flat car and rest a bit. The train is starting up I wonder where it is going next? I think I will take a nap until it gets to another station.
The train whistle is blowing so I think we are getting into another station. The sign on this one says
Dalton Georgia, the carpet capitol of the world. There must be a lot of rugs around here. I wonder what else there is? I think I will climb down off of the flat car and stretch my legs. I could use something to eat too. I wonder where this street goes. It is close to the rail road tracks. Oh I see a tree over there and it has leaves and peaches on it too. Yum! That was good. I will go on down the street and look around.
There is an old building over there. It is an old railroad station. There are two rail road tracks running by it, and there are trains coming on both tracks. There are some people with cameras taking pictures of them. One of them is turning around and looking at me. Oh no,he is running away. I must look a fright after sleeping on that flat car. I will have to straighten my hat. One man is calling to him.
And now he is turning around again. That man must of heard about me and he knows I am not dangerous. Now the other man is coming back. The man is writing a note. I wonder what he wants?
Now I will have to bend over and pick it up again. What a chore. The note says that he wants me to
let him take a picture of me standing by a train that is parked . I will have to straighten my hat again and look pretty but the man is coming back carrying a railroad cap. He wants me to wear that. Oh well so much for looking pretty. The cap has the Norfolk Southern Railroad written on it. Well they finely got through taking pictures and and they have left. I will make my way back to my train and hoist myself back upon that flat car.
We are now headed for Arlington Georgia. I heard the conductor say something about an apple picking festival. That makes me hungry. I can't wait to get to the station so I can go and see if I can get some apples to eat. That would be good for a change. Finely we are getting close to the station. I am going to get off and go find those apples. I wonder where they are? I will stretch my neck up and look around. I should be able to see. There is a street way over there and there is some apple trees and a lot of people over there. I think that is it. I finely got here. There is a sign that says apple eating contest. Boy that would be good. I bet I could win it. Some one sees me and is coming over with a note. He must have seen me on TV. I wonder what he wants? I will have to bend over and get the note. This is getting a little tiring. It says they want me to join the apple eating contest with them. YEAH! That is what I wanted to do. First they want me to put on a hat that has apples on it. It is a little snug but I got it on. There is a big sack of apples in front of me. Here we go. One, two, three go. These apples are mighty tasty. I have eaten one sack of apples and now they are putting another sack down. I have finished those,Now give me another sack full. I am eating as fast as I can. There that sack is empty and I am ready for another one. I think I am getting a little full. I don't know if I can eat any more or not. Finally the bell is ringing for the contest to be over. Oh my, I don't feel so good. I think I ate too many apples. I wonder who won the contest. The announcer says it is Dinah Dinosaur. She ate 500 apples. I can't believe I ate the whole thing. I wonder what the prize is? The announcer says that I won a big sack full of apples. OH NO, I don't want to look at another apple for a long time. I think I will leave the sack full of apples at a house on my way back to the station. I want to get on the flat car and just rest. I don't want anything more to eat today. Well after a rest, I feel a little better and the train is taking off.. I hope that there are no more apple trees where we are going.
The train is now getting near a town and there is a railroad station. The sign says Fargo Georgia. I will get off and go explore the town. It isn't a very large town. I see a tree over on that road. I will go eat a bite and then go look. I see a fire tower over to my left. It is a big tall one. I guess they could see for a long ways I hope there are no fires now. There are some buildings ahead of me. I will walk down there and see. There is a sign that says it is a honey company. Yum! They must have honey bees. I love honey. Maybe there are some places that have bee hives around here. Oh there is a library on the other side of the street. If only I could get in there but I don't think I could get in the building. I love to read
about different places. There is a sign over there telling about a state park. It is the Stephen Foster State Park. It is a little ways but it sounds interesting. And there is a sign talking about it. It also says it is near the Okefenokee Swamp. That makes me home sick but it is a long way to go home. Perhaps I could go to this Okefenokee Swamp and make some new friends. Maybe stay there a while until I get ready to take another train ride. I will go back and write the engineer a note. The park is about 18 miles from Fargo. Perhaps he would take me that far and then let me off. I can walk back to the swamp. I hope those pesky alligators don't give me too hard a time. Now I am climbing on the train for the last time until I take my next trip. The engineer has found his note and is nodding that I can do that. So have a good time, and remember not to get into trouble like I did in Atlanta. Don't eat the state flowers. Goodby until I see you on my next trip.
The End.
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Hi Boys and Girls,
Well here I am again. I have been resting
up in Alabama and now I am getting anxious
to go on another adventure on the train. The
engineer told me I could ride on the flat car
any time I wanted to so here I am waiting
by the tracks for the train. I am not sure
where the train is going this time but I will
enjoy it where ever it is. OH. I think I hear
the train whistle blowing as it goes by
another cross road. I will straighten my hat
and look pretty. I think I see it coming.

I must have been asleep for a long long time
because we are just getting into a small town
that says it is on the State line between Kansas
and Colorado. It is Garden City Kansas. It isn't
very far to Colorado and I think I see a train
station. I hope so because I am very hungry. It
is a train station. Not a very big one but it is a
station and we are stopping. I think they are
going to load something so I may have a little
time to see if I can find something to eat. There
is a tree over there. yeah

Now I have eaten my fill I better get back to the
train and see if they are through loading the
cars. I hope they left room for me. There are
great big grain bins that hold the corn or wheat
and they unload it and put it in the cars to take
to flour mills and places where they grind it into
flour or cornmeal. The train is ready to go and
now we are off to other places.

Well The engineer just said we are headed toward
Pueblo Colorado.

We are in Pueblo Coloradol It is one of the
larger cities in Coloradol
Pueblo is known for it's steel mills. Well I don;t
see any flowers or trees around here. I am
getting hungry but I don;t want to eat the state
flower again. It is the mountain columbine and
the state tree is the Colorado sprucel I don;t
think I want to eat that any way. ay.

enter text here
Now we are headed toward the Florissant Fossell
beds National Monumen Park. That will be a sad
time. I hope we don't see any ghosts there.

national monument

A lot of Dinasours died when the volcano
erupted long ago. We are just going past it and
then we are heading for Colorado Springs.It is a
large city. Some of the sights there are the
Garden of the Gods. Seeing the mountains.
Pikes Peak, a tall mountain that is 14,280 feet
high. The Air Force academy and many other

Headed for Limon and then on to Denver.
Limon has a nice museum with western things
and a train exebition.

Yumm YUMM these leaves are good. I wonder what
there is to do here?"
enter text here

Denver Stock Show

We are now leaving Denver and heading for
Green Falls. It is on up the mountain. Oh my I
don't know if I want to go up there. But I think
I will be ok. If I get too scared I will ask the
engineer if I can get off in a forest and stay a
while. I don't think any of my friends would be
up here now. It can get too cold. I'm glad that
it is almost summer.
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Title: Miss Dina Dinasour goes to Georgia
Summary: Miss Dinah is a dinasour that wants to be a traveling reporter. She has gone to dinasour school and has convinced a train engineer that she is harmless and needs a ride on the train. Read and see what happens to her.
Page Summary: Miss Dinah is a dinasour that wants to be a traveling reporter. She has gone to dinasour school and has convinced a train engineer that she is harmless and needs a ride on the train. Read and see what happens to her.
Page 1
By Margaret Duft
Hello Boys and Girls. Let me introduce my self to you. I am Miss Dinah Dinosaur from way back in the swamp. I have always wanted to be a traveling reporter and report the news, so I went to dinosaur school and learned to read and write. I didn't do very well with arithmetic tho, but I don't need it too much. Not where I come from, but you might need to learn it very well. Can you guess how I am going to travel?
I have made friends with the engineer on a freight train and I have finally convinced him that I am harmless. He said that I could ride on a flat car on the back of his train. Wasn't that nice of him? Now
I will tell you a little bit about me. I come from the diplodocous family. I am about 100 feet tall and I weigh about 50 tons. That is about one hundred thousand pounds. I have a very long neck so I can reach over tall trees. I have a very long tail and a small head. I am wearing a straw hat and carrying a note book and a pen. It is fun standing up on this flat car and riding along on the train. You should see the people staring at me as I go by. Some of them run and some just stare with their mouth open. It is fun to see what they do. The train is just getting into the state of Georgia. Georgia is called the peach state because they have peaches I guess. It makes me hungry just thinking about it. I also love nice fresh leaves from trees. I wonder where the train is going to stop. When it gets to a train station I want to climb down from the flat car and find some leaves to eat. I hope that there are some close by. Finally it looks like there is a town up ahead and a rail road station.
Here we go, and the train is stopping. There is a sign that says Atlanta. I found out that the capitol of Georgia is Atlanta. It is a large city. I see some trees on a street close to the station. I will climb down now and get some. I hope I don't cause any one to have a car accident when they see me. Well there is
some good looking leaves on that tree, I will grab some as I go by. Yum! They were good. Now I think I will walk on down the street and see what I can see before I have to go back to the train. I see a sign that says there is an aquarium. It says there are large whales and sharks in there. I bet I am bigger than
they are. I wonder what else there is close to here. Oh first I see some flowers that look delicious. I think I will grab some before I go. My they were tasty. Oh there is a crowd of people out there. I. I think I will close my eyes and rest until we get to the next railroad station. My, I must have gone to sle wonder what is going on? Oh, Oh, I think they are looking at me. I see some people with cameras and microphones. There is a man coming toward me. I think he is a policeman. What have I done? The engineer told me not to get into trouble and already something is happening. What should I do? I know I will write him a note and drop it down to him. I will tell him that I am harmless and he can check with the engineer on the train. My hand is shaking. Finally I have the note written. He is waving a club at me. Does he think I am going to hurt him? There, I have dropped the note down to him. He is running up and grabbing it and then running back. Now he is reading the note. I hope he can read my writing.
The policeman is talking to the crowd and then he is getting into his car and heading toward the train station. Those people are still down there taking pictures of me. I hope my hat is on straight. I will just stand here and look pretty until the policeman comes back. Now I see his car and he has the engineer with him. I hope the engineer isn't too angry with me. The policeman and the engineer is getting out of the car and the engineer is talking to the people. The people are starting to leave and the
policeman is writing a note. I hope it isn't a ticket. I don't have any money. The policeman is dropping the note in front of me. I will have to bend way down and pick it up. UGH, there I have it. I'm almost afraid to read it. It says I can go but do not eat any more of those flowers. They are the cherokee rose
and it is the state flower of Georgia. How did I know that? I won't do that again. You are not supposed to pick a state flower. My goodness there are so many rules to follow it is hard to know what to do.
I see a school over in the next block and there are a lot of children out playing base ball. All of a sudden the base ball game has stopped and they are all looking at me. Some one is running into the school and now they are coming out holding a big sign. It says welcome to Atlanta. We heard about you on the news. Would you like to come and watch us and they also had a baseball cap for me. How nice.
I will put it on and watch the game. O I hear a train whistle blowing. I wonder if my train is ready to leave? I will write a letter to the children and then drop it and the baseball cap down for them to get.
Now I better hurry back to the station before the train leaves. It is still there. I will hurry and climb up on the flat car and not get off again until the next place we go to. I wonder what my friends are doing
back at the swamp?
. They think I am silly for wanting to be a reporter but I am just reporting on where I am going and the places that are interesting. Ole Elmo lives back there and he is very grumpy. I will tell you about him. He is from the Ankylosaurus family. He is 25 ft long, has short legs and armored plates on his neck and back. He has horns behind his eyes and has a club on the end of his tail. No wonder he is grumpy
and he is always grumpy and complaining. He is always giving me a hard time about wanting to be a reporter. I just ignore him and go on about my business. One of my other friends is Miss Lizzy. She is from the apotasaurus family. She is about 60 feet long and weighs about twenty five tons. Lizzy. Has a long whipping tail. I wouldn't want to get her angry. It is a good thing it wasn't her that the policeman was getting after. Most of the time she is very sweet. She likes leaves and vegetation like I do. I must write her a note and tell her about the crowd and the policeman. She will get a laugh out of that.
The train is now starting up and we are on our way to another place in Georgia. I think I will close my eyes and rest until we get to the next railroad station. My, I must have gone to slewonder what is going on? Oh, Oh, I think they are looking at me. I see some people with cameras and microphones. There is a man coming toward me. I think he is a policeman. What have I done? The engineer told me not to get into trouble and already something is happening. What should I do? I know I will write him a note and drop it down to him. I will tell him that I am harmless and he can check with the engineer on the train. My hand is shaking. Finally I have the note written. He is waving a club at me. Does he think I am going to hurt him? There, I have dropped the note down to him. He is running up and grabbing it and then running back. Now he is reading the note. I hope he can read my writing.
ep for a while. We are pulling into the railroad station. It says Savannah Georgia. ep for a while. We are pulling into the railroad station. It says Savannah Georgia. I wonder what there is to see here
I am hungry again too. I hope that I can find something that is not the state tree or flower. I don't want to have any trouble here. Well I hear music coming from someplace. I think I will go find out
It sounds like bag pipes playing. There are some nice tall trees over on that street. I will head for it and eat some dinner. Well I guess I ate a little too much. The tree looks a little bare up on the top there but maybe no one will notice. I am going to find out what is going on with the music. Now I see the street is lined with a huge crowd of people. Every one is wearing green. My favorite color. The color of leaves. Oh it is a St Patrick's day parade. There is a band playing and some green cars. Oh my, some one has spotted me and they are running up waving a note. I wonder what it says. I have to bend down and get it again. Well I have it. It says they have heard about me and now they want me in their parade. Wow that is an honor. I will write them a note and tell them I accept. I must straighten my hat and then find some leaves to stick in the brim so I can have green on too. Now they are motioning me to follow them and go up to the front of the parade. Here we go and the band is playing Irish eyes are smiling. Boy, that was a long parade. I am a little tired but wait until I tell Ole Elmo about this. I am getting famous. He will be green with envy. Now people are coming over to me with notes. They want me to
sign them so they can keep it for a souvenir. Wow,I am getting tired I have signed so many notes. Well finely the crowd is gone and I think I better get back to the train. It is still there so I will crawl up on the flat car and rest a bit. The train is starting up I wonder where it is going next? I think I will take a nap until it gets to another station.
The train whistle is blowing so I think we are getting into another station. The sign on this one says
Dalton Georgia, the carpet capitol of the world. There must be a lot of rugs around here. I wonder what else there is? I think I will climb down off of the flat car and stretch my legs. I could use something to eat too. I wonder where this street goes. It is close to the rail road tracks. Oh I see a tree over there and it has leaves and peaches on it too. Yum! That was good. I will go on down the street and look around.
There is an old building over there. It is an old railroad station. There are two rail road tracks running by it, and there are trains coming on both tracks. There are some people with cameras taking pictures of them. One of them is turning around and looking at me. Oh no,he is running away. I must look a fright after sleeping on that flat car. I will have to straighten my hat. One man is calling to him.
And now he is turning around again. That man must of heard about me and he knows I am not dangerous. Now the other man is coming back. The man is writing a note. I wonder what he wants?
Now I will have to bend over and pick it up again. What a chore. The note says that he wants me to
let him take a picture of me standing by a train that is parked . I will have to straighten my hat again and look pretty but the man is coming back carrying a railroad cap. He wants me to wear that. Oh well so much for looking pretty. The cap has the Norfolk Southern Railroad written on it. Well they finely got through taking pictures and and they have left. I will make my way back to my train and hoist myself back upon that flat car.
We are now headed for Arlington Georgia. I heard the conductor say something about an apple picking festival. That makes me hungry. I can't wait to get to the station so I can go and see if I can get some apples to eat. That would be good for a change. Finely we are getting close to the station. I am going to get off and go find those apples. I wonder where they are? I will stretch my neck up and look around. I should be able to see. There is a street way over there and there is some apple trees and a lot of people over there. I think that is it. I finely got here. There is a sign that says apple eating contest. Boy that would be good. I bet I could win it. Some one sees me and is coming over with a note. He must have seen me on TV. I wonder what he wants? I will have to bend over and get the note. This is getting a little tiring. It says they want me to join the apple eating contest with them. YEAH! That is what I wanted to do. First they want me to put on a hat that has apples on it. It is a little snug but I got it on. There is a big sack of apples in front of me. Here we go. One, two, three go. These apples are mighty tasty. I have eaten one sack of apples and now they are putting another sack down. I have finished those,Now give me another sack full. I am eating as fast as I can. There that sack is empty and I am ready for another one. I think I am getting a little full. I don't know if I can eat any more or not. Finally the bell is ringing for the contest to be over. Oh my, I don't feel so good. I think I ate too many apples. I wonder who won the contest. The announcer says it is Dinah Dinosaur. She ate 500 apples. I can't believe I ate the whole thing. I wonder what the prize is? The announcer says that I won a big sack full of apples. OH NO, I don't want to look at another apple for a long time. I think I will leave the sack full of apples at a house on my way back to the station. I want to get on the flat car and just rest. I don't want anything more to eat today. Well after a rest, I feel a little better and the train is taking off.. I hope that there are no more apple trees where we are going.
The train is now getting near a town and there is a railroad station. The sign says Fargo Georgia. I will get off and go explore the town. It isn't a very large town. I see a tree over on that road. I will go eat a bite and then go look. I see a fire tower over to my left. It is a big tall one. I guess they could see for a long ways I hope there are no fires now. There are some buildings ahead of me. I will walk down there and see. There is a sign that says it is a honey company. Yum! They must have honey bees. I love honey. Maybe there are some places that have bee hives around here. Oh there is a library on the other side of the street. If only I could get in there but I don't think I could get in the building. I love to read
about different places. There is a sign over there telling about a state park. It is the Stephen Foster State Park. It is a little ways but it sounds interesting. And there is a sign talking about it. It also says it is near the Okefenokee Swamp. That makes me home sick but it is a long way to go home. Perhaps I could go to this Okefenokee Swamp and make some new friends. Maybe stay there a while until I get ready to take another train ride. I will go back and write the engineer a note. The park is about 18 miles from Fargo. Perhaps he would take me that far and then let me off. I can walk back to the swamp. I hope those pesky alligators don't give me too hard a time. Now I am climbing on the train for the last time until I take my next trip. The engineer has found his note and is nodding that I can do that. So have a good time, and remember not to get into trouble like I did in Atlanta. Don't eat the state flowers. Goodby until I see you on my next trip.
The End.
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Hi Boys and Girls,
Well here I am again. I have been resting
up in Alabama and now I am getting anxious
to go on another adventure on the train. The
engineer told me I could ride on the flat car
any time I wanted to so here I am waiting
by the tracks for the train. I am not sure
where the train is going this time but I will
enjoy it where ever it is. OH. I think I hear
the train whistle blowing as it goes by
another cross road. I will straighten my hat
and look pretty. I think I see it coming.

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