March 4th 2015
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

There was a young spider named Icabod
that got tired of liveing with all of his many
brothers and sisters so he decided that he
would go off on his own. He saw this nice
big comfortable looking house and decided
that if he got in there he would be safe.
There was a little crack in the window and
he crawled in. But when he got in there was
a big black mean looking spider. "Who are
you the mean spider asked. My name is
Icabod and I was looking for a place to live.
he said in a meek little voice. who are you?
I am Tanger the terrible and this is all my
house. Well it looks like there is plenty of
room for more than one spider and I need a
home. Well if you promise to not bother me
and stay away from my food you can stay
but there better not be any trouble or I
could get you. Have no fear I will not
bother you.
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There was a young spider named Icabod who
was very tired living with all of his brothers and
sisters so he took off on his own. He was looking for
a place to live when he saw this big house and it
looked like it was a comfortable place and he saw a
little crack in the window and he crawled in. But
when he got in he saw this huge big black spider.
WHO are you the
spider asked in al loud voice. I am Icabod and I am
looking for a different place to live. He said in a
meek little voice. Who are you?" "I am Tanger the
terrible and this is my house. But there would be
plenty of room for me Icabod managed to say. I
have run away and I need a place to stay. I
wouldn't bother you I promise." Well if you stay out
of my way and do not bother my food I guess you
can stay but you better not give me any trouble.Do
you understand?" O yes replied Icabod I will never
give you any trouble.

"Well it looks like a pretty large house." Icabod
replied. I wouldn't take up much space and I
wouldn't bother you. "Well lf you mind your
own business and don't bother me." Tanger
replied. "Oh I promise I won't. Icabod
promised. All right then. You can have this
room and I will have the other one." Tanger
said yawning and do not bother my food.
Icabod decided that he would rather go find
another room. He did not want to make this
fellow angry. He was bigger and meaner

There was a bed and a nice warm fire
place but Icabod decided he would
rather find another room. This one
was too warm. so he went looking.

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When Icabod got into the house he was surprised
to find another spider. He was a little afraid of this
one. It was big and black with white eyes that
looked like it was looking daggers at him. "WHO
ARE YOU?" The big black spider spoke in a low
growl. Icabod was afraid and spoke in a timid
voice. "I am Icabod. he said in a timid voice. Who
are you? I am tanger the terrible and this is where
I live. I do not want to share this house with you."

Then he found just what he was looking for.
The kitchen. And there was something that
made his mouth water. He snuck up
behind and went chomp. Got it. Then he
saw another one on the refrigerator and
he got it too. He was feeling good until He
came down the refrigerator and then he
saw it. A dog and he was looking for him.
Icabod made a fast run up the refrigerator
and hid up on top of it.

He was looking for Icabod. What will I do he
I know I will clime up to the top of the refrigerator
and wait until he goes to sleep and then I will sneak
out of here. Icaabod waited and waited and finelly
the puppy laid down and went to sleep. Icabod
started to clime down and he looked again and
there was a big fat cat. He was almost licking his
chops and looking for Icabod. Icabod did not know
what to do.He wished that he had stayed with his

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Icabod was wishing that Tanger the terrible
would come and help him but he was afraid of
Tanger tool "Oh what will I do? I could go down
the back of the refrigerator but if I came out he
would probably get me. I know I will wait until
he goes to sleep and then crawl down. Icabod
decided to take a nap and then if the dog was
asleep he would go. He waited and waited and
then saw that the puppy was asleep so he
cautiously crawled down and then to his horror
he saw it. It was the cat. The cat was looking
for him.

Icabod didn't know what he was going to do and then
he looked down and there was a little mouse. He got an
idea. "Hey mouse." he whispered to her. If you will give
me a ride on your back and take me out of here I will
tell you where some cheese is. "It's a deal. The mouse
climed the counter. Jump down and sit on my back.
Mouse ran as fast as she could right past the dog and
there was an opening under the door. Here you
are."Now tell me where the cheese is." It is on the top
of the table.
Good luck mouse and thank you for saving my life.
and thank you for getting me out of here. I am going to
go home and stay with my brothers and sisters.

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What happens when some one doesn't do what
he should do and then he gets into trouble?
Read about Icabod and see what he did. It was
not a good plan and he could have been eaten
by the dog or cat.

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March 4th 2015
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

There was a young spider named Icabod
that got tired of liveing with all of his many
brothers and sisters so he decided that he
would go off on his own. He saw this nice
big comfortable looking house and decided
that if he got in there he would be safe.
There was a little crack in the window and
he crawled in. But when he got in there was
a big black mean looking spider. "Who are
you the mean spider asked. My name is
Icabod and I was looking for a place to live.
he said in a meek little voice. who are you?
I am Tanger the terrible and this is all my
house. Well it looks like there is plenty of
room for more than one spider and I need a
home. Well if you promise to not bother me
and stay away from my food you can stay
but there better not be any trouble or I
could get you. Have no fear I will not
bother you.
enter text here
enter text here
enter text here
There was a young spider named Icabod who
was very tired living with all of his brothers and
sisters so he took off on his own. He was looking for
a place to live when he saw this big house and it
looked like it was a comfortable place and he saw a
little crack in the window and he crawled in. But
when he got in he saw this huge big black spider.
WHO are you the
spider asked in al loud voice. I am Icabod and I am
looking for a different place to live. He said in a
meek little voice. Who are you?" "I am Tanger the
terrible and this is my house. But there would be
plenty of room for me Icabod managed to say. I
have run away and I need a place to stay. I
wouldn't bother you I promise." Well if you stay out
of my way and do not bother my food I guess you
can stay but you better not give me any trouble.Do
you understand?" O yes replied Icabod I will never
give you any trouble.

"Well it looks like a pretty large house." Icabod
replied. I wouldn't take up much space and I
wouldn't bother you. "Well lf you mind your
own business and don't bother me." Tanger
replied. "Oh I promise I won't. Icabod
promised. All right then. You can have this
room and I will have the other one." Tanger
said yawning and do not bother my food.
Icabod decided that he would rather go find
another room. He did not want to make this
fellow angry. He was bigger and meaner

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