1- Murat ÇELEBİ – Çarşamba Fen Lisesi
2- Nargila Karimova - Baki, 237 nömrəli tam orta məktəb
3- Gulnare Huseynova - Baki, Fizika, Riyaziyyat, Informatika təmayüllü lisey
4- Erkan ERDOĞAN - Çarşamba Fen Lisesi
5- Dilek Yiğit NACAR - Fatma Aliye Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi

6- Oprea Elena-Diana - Liceul "Voievodul Mircea" Târgoviște
7- Katarzyna Szwed - Technikum Nr 2 w Otwocku Zespół Szkół Nr 2 im. Marii Skłodowskiej – Curie w Otwocku
8- Semanur NİŞANCI - Kaşıbeyaz Ortaokulu
9- Iulia Bucataru - Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Conta”, Iasi
10 - Esme AYHAN - Kumru Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi
11- Cimnaz Verdiyeva - Gence, fizika,riyaziyyat,informatika təmayüllü lisey
12- Özge ÖZDEMİR- H. Rasim Uzer Özel Eğitim Meslek Okulu
13 - Violeta Oprea - Lıceul Tehnologıc Gheorghe Ionescu Sısestı Sat Rachieri, Comuna Valea

14 - Aynur TATAROĞLU - Nur - Hayati Kurtcan Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
15- Bahar Çakıroğlu - Fatsa Fen Lisesi
16- Ulkar Huseynova - Baki, Azerbaijan
17- Fatma KURNAZ - Gürsu Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi
18- Lavinia Grosu - Scoala Gimnaziala Regina Maria București
19 -Maria OPREA - Liceul Teoretic „Mihai Eminescu” Călărași
20 - Safura Karimova - Shabran, 4 nömrəli tam orta məktəb
21- Emre ÇAKIROĞLU - Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Anadolu Lisesi

Hello my name is Recep. I am in middle second grade. I am very successful in my lessons.

My friends' families started buying computers for my friends. My friends said that the computer was very useful and they finished their homework in a short time.

I asked my father to buy a computer and my father bought me a computer. Really, the computer is a very good tool. I'm staying at the computer for hours now

I found my friends on the computer on social media and now I am constantly talking to them

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, how nice it is, I don't need to go out of the house anymore

What good games are there in these environments. Now I can play nice games.

My homework is piled up but I'll do it somehow, let me play a little more

My friends are definitely playing games like me

Why didn't Recep come to study?

Recep, I will beat you


Your player is very strong. How did you do that?

I beat you again.

I do not play that much but I will spare more time from now on.

I play five o'clock a day. I worked hard for my player to become stronger.

Wake up Recep, you will be late for school?

If you're not really good lie down and rest dear

I lied to my mother, but this way I can be a good player like Erkan, I have an exam tomorrow, but I will work in the evening. now i have to move forward in the game

Ahh I didn't notice the time when I was playing games, anyway, it would be even if I don't study for the exam, I beat the Erkan hahaha!

Recep hasn't talked to us for a long time, he doesn't want to leave the house now that he likes to play outside.
You are right look how miserable he looks at you.
When does school end? I should go home as soon as possible and play games with Erkan.

His mother was very sick and he could not come.

Let's start the game, I'm ready

Dear, why did you come early ? Didn't you hang out with your friends?
No,mummy.I have to finish my assignment.

Welcome ,guys. Why do you say so ?
Ooo,you aren't sick.You're very well.
Recep said you were so sick. We wanted to say get well soon.

Why did you tell us that your mother was so sick, Recep?

I had to do my homework so I came home early
But you could tell us that, can we help?
How can we help
Be honest about such matters, Recep. do not lie

I've finished my homework. Thank you. I want a little rest today
Should we go?
See you Recep

I sent everyone. Keep playing, Erkan. I will beat you again

You cannot beat. I'm champion Recep

The days pass like this. Now Recep has stopped studying. Continuous Plays. Although Recep does not pay attention, his lecture notes are decreasing gradually.
Children Recep didn't come to class again, I wonder if she's sick

We haven't seen it, teacher
She doesn't study with us anymore

Report card time has come, my grades are very good
All My Lessons 100

My teacher Recep is very calm. Can we learn the lecture notes.
Recep has not been studying for a long time. Lessons dropped a lot. His grades are always weak
How come

I understand. It's time to warn him
He was not using social media properly. He was constantly playing games.

Recep why are you sad
I did not use technology efficiently. I constantly played games. My grades are down.

You didn't listen to us
What will i say to my family
We warned you

Work hard on your lessons. You correct your grades
OK. Thank you.
Now use technology consciously

Impossible. My God
Sorry. Mom and daddy I promise. I will work hard now
Recep, will you use technology efficiently now?

Ok grandpa
Now Recep, you can improve your grades by working hard.

One year later

I corrected my mother, father and grandfather grades. All my notes have become faces.
Oley ...
Well done Recep

I have learned lessons now. I use technology efficiently
Oley ...
Well done Recep

Recep has now taken lessons. Now he has learned to use social media and computers efficiently.

Do not use technology like Recep inefficiently. Use technology efficiently.
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1- Murat ÇELEBİ – Çarşamba Fen Lisesi
2- Nargila Karimova - Baki, 237 nömrəli tam orta məktəb
3- Gulnare Huseynova - Baki, Fizika, Riyaziyyat, Informatika təmayüllü lisey
4- Erkan ERDOĞAN - Çarşamba Fen Lisesi
5- Dilek Yiğit NACAR - Fatma Aliye Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi

6- Oprea Elena-Diana - Liceul "Voievodul Mircea" Târgoviște
7- Katarzyna Szwed - Technikum Nr 2 w Otwocku Zespół Szkół Nr 2 im. Marii Skłodowskiej – Curie w Otwocku
8- Semanur NİŞANCI - Kaşıbeyaz Ortaokulu
9- Iulia Bucataru - Scoala Gimnaziala „Vasile Conta”, Iasi
10 - Esme AYHAN - Kumru Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi
11- Cimnaz Verdiyeva - Gence, fizika,riyaziyyat,informatika təmayüllü lisey
12- Özge ÖZDEMİR- H. Rasim Uzer Özel Eğitim Meslek Okulu
13 - Violeta Oprea - Lıceul Tehnologıc Gheorghe Ionescu Sısestı Sat Rachieri, Comuna Valea

14 - Aynur TATAROĞLU - Nur - Hayati Kurtcan Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
15- Bahar Çakıroğlu - Fatsa Fen Lisesi
16- Ulkar Huseynova - Baki, Azerbaijan
17- Fatma KURNAZ - Gürsu Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi
18- Lavinia Grosu - Scoala Gimnaziala Regina Maria București
19 -Maria OPREA - Liceul Teoretic „Mihai Eminescu” Călărași
20 - Safura Karimova - Shabran, 4 nömrəli tam orta məktəb
21- Emre ÇAKIROĞLU - Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Anadolu Lisesi

Hello my name is Recep. I am in middle second grade. I am very successful in my lessons.

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