Afro-cubans Books

  • Nicolás Guillén VS
    The story of Nicolas Guillen, a Cuban poet who wrote about racism and oppression faced by Afro-Cubans.
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  • My life at South Africa and the music there
    Adaeze introduces herself and talks about Afro-Cuban music, its origins, famous musicians, and songs.
  • About Nicolas Guillen
    This is a brief biography of Nicolas Guillen, an Afro-Cuban poet and revolutionary figure, highlighting his life, works, and impact.
  • Around the World in Many Cultures
    A collection of cultural facts about Ghana, China, and Cuba, including their traditions, music, dance, and art.
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  • Unit 6 Culture Project
    This book explores various aspects of African culture, including music, art, and film. It provides a brief overview of different genres and their origins.
  • African Culture
    A brief introduction to Kente cloth, African hip hop, AfroCubism, and Nigerian music, including some historical and cultural context.
  • salsa and jamician reggae
    This story provides an overview of salsa and reggae music, including their origins, characteristics, and influences.
  • The Culture of Cuba Brazil and Honduras
    A presentation about Brazil, Cuba, and Honduras, covering language, arts and culture, customs and traditions, history, technology innovation, religion, and social organizatio…
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