Age Of Exploration Books

  • ABC's of the Age of Exploration
    A collection of short descriptions about various topics related to exploration, astronomy, and navigation.
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  • Age of Exploration A to Z
    An alphabetical exploration of key concepts and figures from the Age of Exploration, including astrolabes, Bartholomeu Dias, the Crusades, discovery, encomienda, Ferdinand Ma…
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  • Health and Disease during the age of exploration
    This book explores the impact of diseases during the age of exploration, including smallpox, whooping cough, and chickenpox.
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  • ABC's of Age of Exploration
    The story is an alphabetical exploration of historical figures and places, primarily focusing on explorers and geographical locations significant to the Age of Discovery.
  • Age Of Exploration
    A collection of terms and definitions related to European exploration and colonization of the Americas.
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  • Age Of Explorations
    A historical overview of motives, causes, and consequences of European exploration, including the impact on trade routes, conquests, the Columbian Exchange, and slavery.
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  • Minecraft vs Roblox
    Compare everything from creativity to kid-friendliness in these two popular building games.Our advice? Given the Wild West nature of both of these games, consider sitting wi…
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  • The age of exploration
    Factors contributing to the European discovery of lands in the Western Hemisphere, including trade routes, new ideas, navigation innovations, Prince Henry the Navigator, reli…
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