Alexandrov Books

  • Alexandrov is a Land of Great Athletes
    A story about the outstanding athletes from Alexandrov, including skiers Andrei Karpov and Olga Danilova, weightlifters Pavel Kuznetsov and Alexei Lovchev, and hurdler Irina …
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  • Celebrities of Alexandrov
    A historical account of Alexandrov and its famous residents, including tsars, poets, musicians, and athletes.
  • Russian tsars
    A brief history of Alexandrov, Russia, highlighting the tsars who contributed to its development.
    by AlRo
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  • Fame and Glory of Alexandrov
    A brief overview of the town of Alexandrov, its historical significance, and notable residents.
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  • A description of the town of Alexandrov, its historical significance, and notable people who lived there.
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  • The Heroes of Our Motherland
    A book about the history and notable people of Alexandrov, Russia. It highlights their contributions to various fields.
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