Arabs Books

  • United Arab Emirates Heritage
    The story discusses the significance of falcons and camels in UAE's history and culture.
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  • Jonty visits the museum of the future
    Jonty the ginger cat goes on a rhyming journey to the Museum of the future in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.
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  • Country Overview: Palestine
    These are the notes of a young girl learning about Palestine and her Palestinian heritage.
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  • Jonty visits the spice souk
    Jonty the ginger cat goes on a rhyming journey to the spice souk in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.
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  • Jonty visits the palace
    Jonty the ginger cat goes on a rhyming journey to Qasr Al Watan palace in Abu Dhabi the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, where he lives.
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  • Arab Food in Israel
    An introduction to various Middle Eastern dishes, including falafel, hummus, moutabal, shawerma, Makloobeh, and Koubba.
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  • الأثر النفسي للحجر الصحّي
    Arabic for Non Arabs Book " family Confinement"
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  • Zionism & 1948
    The history of Zionism and the establishment of Israel, including conflicts with Arabs and ongoing tensions.
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