Basketball Books

    A book about basketball that covers rules, fouls, players, and more. Includes a glossary and an author's note.
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  • Terry and Fear
    This book is for children dealing with fear. Do not allow fear to stop you from doing great things in life and making right decisions. We must teach children to be bold and t…
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  • Basketball
    A brief history of basketball, including its origins, rules, equipment, and positions.
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  • Basketball
    A beginner's guide to basketball, covering what to wear, how to dribble, pass, and shoot. Includes a glossary of terms.
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  • Shark and Alligator Play Basketball
    Adventure of two friends on a journey to get green fireworks by playing a basketball tournament.
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  • The Basketball Girl
    Tatiana, an 8-year-old girl who loves basketball, faces gender discrimination but proves herself by joining a team and winning a game.
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  • Basketball Beaux
    Beaux, a small dog, is always picked last for basketball at recess. He decides to practice and becomes the best player, learning valuable lessons along the way.
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  • Basketball
    The story of how basketball was invented and its popularity, along with some interesting facts and a personal connection to hip-hop music.
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