Behavioral Isolation Books

  • Evolution
    Charles Darwin explains the evidence supporting his Theory of Evolution, including fossil records, bio-geography, anatomy, embryology, and biochemistry.
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  • The Bonobo Family
    The story follows the evolution of primates, starting with Nakalipithecus in Africa and ending with the emergence of Bonobos as a separate species.
    A brief overview of anxiety, its causes, symptoms, and coping strategies for children.
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  • Origin of Life
    This is an informative book about the history of life, evolution, and taxonomy. It covers topics like the Big Bang Theory, Darwin's evolutionary theory, and Linnaeus' system …
  • schizophrenia
    A brief overview of schizophrenia, its symptoms, treatments, and impact on individuals' lives, along with personal stories from people living with the condition.
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  • Goldilocks and the Crippling Diagnosis of OCD
    Goldilocks, a girl with OCD, stumbles upon a house and cleans it. The owner, Freud, explains her condition and its history.
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  • 6 Best Known Theories of Child Development
    A brief overview of various theories on child development, including Vygotsky, Piaget, Bowlby, Skinner, Erikson, and Bandura.
  • Mental Disorder - Depression
    An informational book about depression, its symptoms, effects, treatment, and prevention measures.
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