Binomial Books

  • Expanding Binomials
    This book explains what a binomial is, provides examples, and teaches how to expand and simplify binomials using Pascal's triangle and combination.
  • Expanding Binomials
    This story explains how to expand binomials and find coefficients using Pascal's Triangle or a scientific calculator.
  • How to Expand Binomials
    This book provides step-by-step instructions on expanding binomials and solving triangles using trigonometry.
  • The Cartoon Guide to Algebra II
    A pirate and a teacher help a student understand various mathematical concepts, including simplifying radicals, adding and subtracting roots, multiplying binomials, rational …
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  • Cartoon Guide to Polynomials
    The Polynomials, six curious children of the Functions clan, embark on a journey to the Three Great Castles, learning about themselves and the world along the way.
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  • Types of Polynomials
    An informative text explaining the concepts of monomials, binomials, and trinomials in mathematics.
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  • The Taxonomy Of George By Gabrielle Matthews and Auriana Lundy
    An informative book about the classification of black panthers, covering their domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, and binomial nomenclature.
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  • Classmates name polynomials!
    A math teacher explains vocabulary words related to polynomials, such as term, constant, coefficient, variable, monomial, binomial, trinomial, and polynomial.
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