Biofuels Books

  • Exploring Alternative Energy
    An informative book about different alternative energy sources, their pros and cons, and their potential to replace fossil fuels.
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  • ABC's of BIO-FUELS
    An alphabetical exploration of various scientific and environmental terms, from anaerobic digestion to zebra.
  • Where the Bio-fuels Grow
    A story about Nikolaus August Otto's invention of bio-fuel to combat greenhouse gases and save the Earth.
  • Alternative - Greener - Energy
    An introduction to biofuels, including their definition, creation process, history, pros and cons, and future prospects.
  • Political Advertisement: Obama's plans
    The story discusses the Obama Administration's efforts to reduce American dependency on foreign oil through an all-of-the-above energy strategy, clean energy advancement, and…
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  • Farmer Jim and the Lizard
    A farmer explains to a curious lizard about biofuels, their production process, advantages, and disadvantages.
  • Energy Efficiency and Pesonal Development
    A project-based book about energy efficiency and personal development, showcasing student work and international collaboration.
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    This book provides information about sustainability and green energy, including different types of renewable energy sources and their benefits.
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