Compost Books

  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • The Adventures of Bob the Banana and Friends
    Bob the Banana Peel gets thrown in the trash, meets a friend, becomes compost, and helps grow strawberries. Two strawberries get eaten by a bird.
    Eye Icon 31
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  • Compost (Food Scrapes & Worms)
    A short informative story about how worms eat and create compost.
    Eye Icon 25
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  • A Life Cycle Adventure
    This story is about a little caterpillar's journey to discover what it is and what it does. Join us to find out about the butterfly life cycle and to meet some other mini-bea…
    Eye Icon 62293
    Star Icon 1063
  • How worms decompose compost
    An informative book about the importance of worms in soil and their impact on plant growth.
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  • Make Compost
    A guide on how to make compost, including the necessary steps and materials needed.
    A student shares their experience of learning about organic composting and its benefits, including the creation of a vegetable garden and an innovative irrigation system.
  • One Tree at a Time
    A story about deforestation and its impact on animals and the environment, with suggestions for how to help by planting trees and creating compost bins.
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