Cytokinesis Books

  • The Phases of Meiosis
    A detailed explanation of the stages of meiosis, from interphase to telophase 2, and the process of cytokinesis.
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  • The Cell Cycle
    Al the Alien explains the cell cycle, from G1 to cytokinesis, in a clear and concise manner.
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  • The Cell Cycle
    This book provides an overview of cell division, including mitosis, cytokinesis, and the eukaryotic cell cycle. It also discusses the regulation of the cell cycle and its imp…
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  • Mitosis in the life of a cell
    The story follows the life of a cell named Belle, from birth to motherhood, as she goes through different stages and experiences.
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  • The Adventures of Mito and Sis
    A basic introduction to the cell cycle, focusing on mitosis and cytokinesis. Mito and Sis explain the process while dealing with an evil cell named Divido.
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  • Cell CycleBy: Baraa & Walaa
    Baraa asks Ms. Walaa about the cell cycle, and she explains its stages: interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. They use a book and mnemonic to remember the phases.
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  • Meiosis And Mitosis
    A class goes on a field trip to an M&M factory to learn about mitosis and meiosis, but the instructor's jokes fall flat. The students learn about the different phases and…
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  • The Life of a Cell
    A cell named Bell explains the different stages of the cell cycle, including interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis, as well as the checkpoints. The story is informative and we…
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