Dionysus Books

    In ancient Greece, King Midas is granted a wish by Dionysus to turn everything he touches into gold. He soon realizes the consequences and begs for his daughter's life to be …
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  • Wandering of dionysus
    Dionysus, a god, encounters pirates, escapes, and seeks revenge on Pentheus. He manipulates Pentheus's mother and sister to watch him get buried alive.
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  • Dionysus's Fire
    Dionysus's party causes a fire tornado, which is eventually put out by Zeus. Dionysus learns a lesson and promises to be more careful in the future.
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  • King Midas and the Golden Touch
    King Midas, a king who loves his daughter, his rose garden, and gold, is granted a wish by Dionysus to turn everything he touches into gold. However, he soon realizes the con…
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  • Celebration of Dionysus
    The story of Dionysus, the Greek God of wine and theater, and his festival in ancient Athens.
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  • Rain
    Eurypylus, a Titan, falls in love with Ametha. He seeks Zeus' permission to rescue her from the underworld, but must keep Hera busy. Eurypylus fails and trades places with Am…
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  • King with the Magic Touch
    Lion Midas, a king with a golden touch, learns the consequences of his wish and seeks to undo it with the help of Dionysus.
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  • Dionysus and the pirates
    Dionysus, a Greek god, is captured by pirates but escapes using his powers. He meets Ariadne and they get married.
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