Economic Hardship Books

  • My Life During the Depression
    A personal account of a child's experience during the Great Depression, including family struggles, economic hardships, and the impact of FDR's New Deal.
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  • Life In a New Country
    Kevin, a Taiwanese middle schooler, and his family face economic hardships in Taiwan. They decide to immigrate to the US for better opportunities but face racial discriminati…
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  • The Land of Dust
    A young boy and his family struggle to survive the Dust Bowl in 1930s Oklahoma, facing economic hardships, dust storms, and illness.
  • My Life During Great Deppression
    A personal account of growing up during the Great Depression, facing economic hardships, and the impact it had on the narrator's life.
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  • The Great Depression. Ft. Kanye West
    A young boy and his mother struggle during the Dust Bowl era, facing economic hardships and searching for employment.
  • A year in the life of John Smith
    A personal account of a man's life during the Great Depression, from his stable job as a banker to unemployment and poverty, and finally finding work again.
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  • leo conquers the revolution
    Leo and his family struggle during the French Revolution, facing economic hardships and political turmoil.
  • The Great Deppresion
    A personal account of how the Great Depression impacted the author's life, from living in urban areas to moving to rural areas, facing financial struggles, and the government…
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