Ellis Island Books

  • Ellis Island
    A description of the steps in the immigration process at Ellis Island, including medical and legal inspections, separation based on location, and family reunification.
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  • Buru Wang Island
    Elli and Lisa, two young sisters from Australia, embark on an adventure to the mysterious Buru Wang Island. They encounter sharks, wolves, and a looming volcano. Lisa discove…
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  • Sam's trip to Ellis Island.
    Sam, an immigrant, gets lost at sea on her way to Ellis Island. She faces challenges but eventually reaches her destination.
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  • Journey to Ellis Island
    Rosie, a young girl, embarks on her first trip to Ellis Island. She overcomes her nervousness and enjoys the journey, eventually settling with family in Idaho.
  • Discovering Ellis Island
    A young Italian immigrant recounts their family's journey to Ellis Island in 1910, the challenges they faced, and their arrival in America.
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  • Adventures of Ellis island
    Molly and Lilly, twin girls living on Ellis Island, have adventures with a new puppy, helping a turtle, and caring for their sick aunt.
  • My Experience at Ellis Island
    Paul, a Jewish immigrant, shares his journey to the USA through Ellis Island, highlighting the challenges and emotions he experienced.
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  • Ellis Island
    A brief history of Ellis Island and the immigrants who came to the US seeking a better life.
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