Federalist Papers Books

  • Federalist Papers: FOR DUMMIES
    A collection of Federalist Papers discussing the need for a strong government, national army, and protection of rights in the United States.
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  • Alexander Hamilton
    A brief biography of Alexander Hamilton, his contributions to the American Revolution, his role in writing The Federalist Papers, and his tragic end.
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  • Federalist Papers
    An overview of the Federalist Papers, separation of powers, preventing tyranny, and encouraging pluralism in government.
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  • Federalist Paper #78
    Kermit, a muppet, is fired from his job and takes ACME to court. With the help of the ghost of former Chief Justice John Marshall, Kermit learns about Judicial Review and fig…
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  • The Founding Fathers
    This book has been written by Erica Rong. It is all about The Founding Fathers of the United States and their vision for America. I hope you enjoy!
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  • Federalist Paper 51 For KIDS
    A conversation between two students about how the American educational system is similar to the government system.
  • Federalist 70 for Dummies
    Please give us a 50/50! This was a fun project!
  • Federalist papers 45-46
    A discussion on the power balance between state and federal governments, emphasizing the importance of harmony and the people's control.
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