Fireside Chats Books

  • Time Travel Adventure
    Neo, Marcus, and Sophie discover a futuristic pod in the woods. The AI of the pod, Adora, takes them on time-traveling adventures to witness Hitler's speech, JFK's fireside c…
  • FDR:The New Deal
    A brief overview of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency and his New Deal policies, including opposition and effects.
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  • Great Depression & Dust Bowl
    A brief overview of the hardships faced during the Great Depression, including unemployment, soup kitchens, the Bonus Army, riding the rails, President Hoover's response, Roo…
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt & New Deal
    A brief overview of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency and his New Deal policies, with some historical context and key events.
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  • R o a r i n g 2 0 s
    A history book for children covering various topics from the growing economy to the Great Depression and FDR's New Deal.
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  • My Life During the Great Depression
    A personal account of a family's experience during the Great Depression, including the impact of the stock market crash, unemployment, and government programs like the New De…
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  • FDR and the New Deal
    A historical account of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency and the New Deal, including its impact and opposition.
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  • By: Marissa Handley & Jourdan Townes
    A historical account of the Great Depression and Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs, their impact on the American people, and the increasing power of the government.
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