Freedom Rides Books

  • Brown All Over
    Teaching black culture.

    ✔️ Introduces Discrimination
    ✔️ Covers Kwanzaa
    ✔️ Covers Juneteenth
    ✔️ Covers "What is a Protest" for kids
    ✔️ Contains the B…
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  • Lowell Elementary School History
    This wonderful piece of literature has encapsulated true and mostly true stories of Lowell Elementary School in Waterloo, Iowa. It was painstakingly researched and written by…
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  • Ride to Freedom
    The story follows Sookan, a young Korean girl living under Japanese rule during World War II. She faces challenges, loss, and eventually finds freedom.
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  • To A Daughter Leaving Home
    A nostalgic poem about a parent teaching their child to ride a bicycle and the joy and freedom it brings.
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  • Civil Rights
    A brief overview of the Civil Rights movement, including key figures and events such as Martin Luther King Jr., sit-ins, Freedom rides, Brown v. Board of Education, Little Ro…
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  • GHANA BOYS: Book One
    GHANA BOYS is a 3-book series.

    The series tells the story of two, young brothers who were born and raised in the United States of America. They have an African-Amer…
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  • Rights For All
    A brief overview of key events in the Civil Rights Movement, including Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Little Rock Nine, Freedom Rides, March on W…
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  • ABC's of Civil Rights
    A brief overview of key figures and events in the Civil Rights Movement, including the Black Panthers, Brown v. Board of Education, Freedom Rides, MLK's 'I Have a Dream' spee…
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