Geographic Isolation Books

  • The Bonobo Family
    The story follows the evolution of primates, starting with Nakalipithecus in Africa and ending with the emergence of Bonobos as a separate species.
  • Generations Past
    Stacy, a dinosaur, gets stranded on an isolated island after Pangaea splits. George, her descendant, learns about their evolution and adaptation through a school project.
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  • Basics of Biology
    Aya, Hanadi, and Mariam discuss various topics in biology, including ecosystems, populations, predators, prey, adaptation, natural selection, and more.
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  • The Evolution of the Dogeal
    The story follows the evolution of Dog-Seals into different species due to environmental changes and human interaction.
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  • What is Evolution?
    A group of birds living on flat land face a typhoon and are flown into the mountains, leading to speciation. The story then explains evolution and shows examples of homologou…
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  • Blown Adrift
    A young girl wakes up alone on a boat in the vast sea. She encounters a humpback whale, an old seagull, and a lonely manatee, forming a bond with each of them as they search …
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  • Artie and his amazing self
    Artie, a special dinosaur, attends Dino High and learns about evolution, natural selection, and adaptation in his environment.
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  • The Impact of HIV
    This book provides information on global patterns of HIV, disease diffusion, and barriers to the spread of diseases.
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