Gobi Desert Books

  • The Gobi desert
    An introduction to the Gobi Desert, its geography, climate, wildlife, and resources.
  • Ancient China's Physical Features
    This book explores the physical features of China, including the Yellow River and the Gobi Desert, highlighting their significance and conservation.
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  • A is for Asia
    A is for Asia is an informative children's book that introduces various geographical features and locations in Asia, providing brief descriptions and facts about each. The bo…
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  • Deserts
    This book provides information about deserts, including their climate, plants, animals, and adaptations. It also recommends other books on the topic.
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  • The Desert Biome
    This book will talk about the desert biome in a kid friendly way. It will talk about the deserts climate, animals, and plants that it has. This will be a great book to learn …
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    A is for Asia, B is for Bering Sea, C is for China, and so on. This book provides an alphabetical tour of Asian countries, landmarks, and geographical features.
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  • The Quest Of The Dragon
    Lu and Chi go on a journey to find the Jade Dragon. Along the way, they face challenges and ultimately save their town with the dragon's luck.
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  • A Day With Steve
    Steve the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake shares interesting facts about living in the desert, including its diverse wildlife, plants, and climate.
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