Government Intervention Books

  • Underground Crystals
    Desmond and Shurlie manipulate the crystal market to increase prices, but face competition from Derek. They resort to sabotage and seek government intervention to maintain hi…
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  • My journey during the depression
    A personal narrative about a farmer's life during the Great Depression, including hardships and government interventions.
  • 4 Types of Economic Systems
    This book provides a basic overview of different economic systems, including traditional, command, market, and mixed economies.
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  • The Great Deppresion
    A personal account of how the Great Depression impacted the author's life, from living in urban areas to moving to rural areas, facing financial struggles, and the government…
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  • Autism!
    A book about autism, its characteristics, statistics, causes, and ways to reduce risk. It emphasizes the uniqueness of individuals with autism and the importance of acceptanc…
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  • ABC's of American History
    An alphabetical guide to key historical events, figures, and concepts in American history, from the abolitionist movement to the Zimmerman Note.
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  • nutritIon teAM Presents...
    The NutritIon teAM's take on the Apple Schools Intervention for childhood obesity.
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  • A is for Allen Brook
    This is an informative book about Allen Brook School in Williston, Vermont. It covers various aspects of the school including its rules, facilities, staff, and activities. Th…
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