Halifax Books

  • Vince Coleman - A Halifax Hero
    Vince Coleman, a train dispatcher in Halifax, warns trains of an impending explosion, sacrificing his life to save others.
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  • Halifax
    A travel guide to Halifax, Canada, highlighting its attractions and providing directions. The author expresses a desire to visit and enjoy the city's offerings.
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  • Halifax
    A travel guide to Halifax, Nova Scotia, featuring tourist attractions, facts, and transit directions.
    Millie is a volunteer at a local retirement home. One day the residence welcomes an unusual elderly man known simply as Xuke. It feels as though he is in his own little world…
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  • The Halifax Explosion
    The story of the devastating Halifax Explosion in 1917, caused by a collision between two ships carrying explosives. The explosion destroyed Halifax, and the city now has mem…
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  • The Halifax Explosion
    On December 6, 1917, a devastating explosion occurred in the Halifax harbor due to a collision between two boats carrying explosives. The incident resulted in numerous casual…
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  • Sidney Crosby
    Sidney Crossbar asks his dad about Sidney Crosby, a famous hockey player. Dad helps with homework and Sidney gets an A.
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  • Provinces and Capitals
    A brief introduction to the provinces and territories of Canada, highlighting their notable features.
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