Hospice Books

  • Hospice from A to Z
    A hospice-themed ABC book designed to help children understand end-of-life concepts and reduce fear. Each letter represents a concept, with explanations and coloring pages.
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  • Grandpa Loggains and Hospice
    Vickey explains to her daughter Tammy that their grandpa is very sick with cancer and will be coming home with the help of Hospice. She prepares Tammy for the changes they wi…
  • Strange Adventure
    A magical boy with special powers seeks redemption and a new purpose in life after destroying the world, only to be reincarnated as a girl in Vietnam. She joins a club of pas…
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  • Lola's Mom Passed Away
    Lola's mom gets sick and passes away, leaving Lola to navigate the emotions of loss and grief. The story aims to help children understand and cope with the concept of death.
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  • My Colorful Life in Black and White
    This is an autobiographical account of Marie Burns, a 72-year-old woman. She shares her life experiences from childhood to adulthood, including family history, school memorie…
  • Therapy Dogs
    The story introduces therapy dogs, their breeds, roles, selection process, and concludes with a message of treating them kindly.
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    A biography of Mother Teresa, her life, work, and impact on the world.
  • What Kind of Nurse Are You?
    An informative book about the role of nurses, their different specialties, and the importance of their job.
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