Human Trafficking Books

  • The Story of Human Trafficking in Morocco
    The story discusses the impact of slave trading on African countries, focusing on Morocco's susceptibility to human trafficking.
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  • Social Inclusion and Personal Development Best practices ISBN 978-973-0-37400-1 GALAȚI 2022
    This story discusses various topics related to social inclusion and personal development. It covers subjects such as bullying, human trafficking, disability, effective commun…
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  • STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING It Takes Peoples Life
    A brief overview of human trafficking, its victims, types, and the Indian government's response. Includes a poem about the experiences of victims.
  • The World of Uganda
    A brief overview of Uganda's geography, history, and impact of imperialism, with a focus on negative consequences. Mentions Joseph Kony and ongoing issues like human traffick…
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  • PTSD and The Struggles That Follow
    Moses, a victim of human trafficking from Cambodia, suffers from PTSD. She seeks help from psychologists and psychiatrists to manage her symptoms.
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  • The Byzantine Empire
    A historical account of the Byzantine Empire's influence on Russia, the reign of Emperor Justinian, and the fall of the empire.
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    This collection of essays discusses various topics including teen sleep, sports, social media, and environmental issues, highlighting personal experiences and societal challe…
  • The Age of Exploration
    A historical overview of the Age of Exploration, trade, and the Columbian Exchange, with discussion questions and glossary.
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