Jews Books

  • Hitler Became Littler
    During World War II, Danish Jews were saved from Hitler's power when a group of people in Denmark decided to ship them to Sweden on fishing boats.
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  • Bulgaria's Jews
    On March 10th, 1943, Bulgaria defied Hitler's orders to transport Jews to Treblinka. The pastor, parliament member, and king fought to protect them, leading to their survival.
  • Hiding in Zoo Cages
    During the Holocaust, the director of the Warsaw zoo and his family risked their lives to save over 300 Jews.
  • The Story of Hanukkah
    A description of the celebration of Hanukkah, including its history, traditions, and significance for Jews around the world.
  • The Book Thief
    Liesel, a young girl during World War II, discovers her love for books and embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue her friend Max, a Jew in hiding.
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  • Saving Jews in Zoos
    During World War Two, Dr. Jan Zabinski and his wife Antonina Żabinski ran the Warsaw Zoo and provided shelter for Jewish people in need.
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  • The Israeli Conflict
    A brief overview of the conflict between Jews and Palestinians in Israel, highlighting their differing beliefs and the ongoing fighting.
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  • The Zoo
    During World War 2, the Warsaw Zoo is destroyed and many animals are killed. The director, Dr. Jan Zabinski, and his wife, Antonina, help Jews by providing them shelter in th…
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