Land Management Books

    This book explains what land management is, its importance, and its effects on people and the environment in Australia. It also discusses different perspectives and specific …
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Land Management
    A book about land management in Australia, discussing its impact on the environment, positive and negative effects, and future challenges.
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  • Taking care of our Earth Land Management
    The book discusses land management, erosion, salinity, water quality, biodiversity, and human impacts. It includes a case study of a farmer's sustainable land management prac…
  • The Farm and You
    The story discusses the importance of food production, water conservation, and land management, highlighting the potential negative impacts of farming practices.
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  • Ed loves Environment
    Ed the sheep learns about deforestation and its impact on the environment and animals.
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  • Political Advertisement
    President Obama's efforts to protect the environment and stimulate the economy are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of his decisions.
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  • What's Waste Management?
    Lauren learns about waste management and its impact on the environment from her mom, leading her to take action.
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