Lions Books

    The lion and the mouse is one of Aesop's Fables, numbered 150 in the Perry Index. There are also Eastern variants of the story, all of which demonstrate mutual dependence reg…
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  • Leland the Lion wants to be a Lifeguard
    Leland is a Lion who wants to be a lifeguard but is constantly told he cannot become one. However, he learns the powerful lesson that one can achieve what it is they want to …
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  • A Blue Lion Tale
    Experience the joy of a special adventure with Blue Lion. A sweet, warm and fun loving invisible friend to children all over the world.
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  • Leo the lost Lion
    Leo, a curious lion, wanders off and gets lost. With the help of his friend Lola, he finds his mom and learns to listen.
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    A bedtime story about the animals at the zoo after the sun starts to set. The rhyme was written by an expectant father for his unborn baby daughter.
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  • The Owl, the Mouse, and the Lion
    A clever owl helps a mouse and a lion resolve a conflict over stolen lunch, leading to an unlikely friendship.
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  • Doofy the Hippo?
    Doofy does not want to be a hippo any longer. Does he change or accept himself? Maybe both.
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  • Lellow the Lion and Friends
    This book is fun. The animations will capture the attention of your child.
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