Manhood Books

  • Macbeth Motifs
    Is ABC Mouse just not good enough for you? Do you feel the need to push your child to the breaking point, starting at ages 2-7? Then this is exactly what you deranged parents…
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  • Yam's to Men
    In a Nigerian village, men plant yams while women take care of children. Yams are crucial for the community and symbolize manhood.
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  • The story of Romulus and Remus, twin sons of a princess and a god, who were raised by a wolf and later founded the city of Rome.
  • The Life of Augustus Caesar
    The story of Augustus, the great ruler of Rome, from his childhood to his accomplishments as emperor and his death.
  • Perseus the Epic Hero
    The story of Perseus, the son of Zeus and Danae, and his adventures to defeat Medusa and save Andromeda.
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  • Traditional Dressing of South Africa
    A description of traditional clothing worn by different tribes in South Africa, including Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele, Venda, Tsonga, Indian, and Cape Malay.
  • an Adventure of Cultural Landscape
    A brief introduction to the five major world religions and their places of worship.
  • The Fresh King of Paris
    A rhyming narrative about the life and reign of Louis XIII, King of France, including his childhood, conflicts with Huguenots and Spain, and personal struggles.
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