Melanoma Books

  • King George the Grape
    King George learns about melanoma, wears sunscreen, and understands the importance of skin protection and homeostasis.
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  • ABC's of Cancer
    You (and your child) can learn the ABC's of cancer by reading this book. Book number two in the "What Is? Series".
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  • Melanoma Skin Cancer
    An informative book about melanoma, a dangerous type of skin cancer. It covers its definition, effects on the body, causes, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, and risk factors.
  • Mike has Melanoma
    Mike, a man who works in the sun, gets diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer. He undergoes treatment and eventually recovers.
  • Maria's Visit to the Doctor
    Maria discovers a spot on her arm, which turns out to be skin cancer. She learns about melanoma and how to prevent it.
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  • Stay safe in the sun
    This book lets kids know how to protect themselves from the sun! Enjoy:)
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  • Princess Jess & The Black Dot
    Princess Jess moves from rainy Greenland to sunny Lanisle and experiences sunburn for the first time. She learns about skin health, sunburns, and melanoma from the Royal Skin…
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  • The Adventure of Spenser
    A boy named Spenser learns the importance of sunscreen after being diagnosed with melanoma.
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