Militia Books

  • Government with the Power Rangers
    Ryan and CJ discuss the four powers of government: Enumerated, Reserved, Concurrent, and Denied. They also mention forming a militia.
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  • Militia Man
    Why some terrorist do bad things and how to prevent it.
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  • Beginning to the American Revolution
    The story recounts the events leading up to and during the Battles of Lexington and Concord, which marked the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.
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    The life and accomplishments of George Washington, from his birth to his presidency and retirement.
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  • Titan fall part [1]
    A war between the IMC and the militia, with a rogue pilot named Ronin causing chaos. The story follows Captain Cooper and his squad as they try to stop the IMC.
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  • The Revolution in South Carolina
    A book to teach about the Revolutionary war. If you are a teacher, you might as well start the unit on the Revolutionary war.( If your in South Carolina) Also, you might lea…
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  • Meet George! The Biography of George Washington
    The life and achievements of George Washington, from his early years to his presidency and legacy.
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  • Alexander Hamilton
    A brief biography of Alexander Hamilton, his contributions to the American Revolution, his role in writing The Federalist Papers, and his tragic end.
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