Mini-golf Books

  • The Battle of Mini-Golf
    A group of friends have a competitive game of mini-golf, with Liam ultimately winning by one point. They end the night with ice cream and reflect on their friendship.
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    A child recounts their first visit to Castle Park for their sister's birthday, describing the rides, games, and mini-golf they enjoyed.
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  • Mason and the Marveous Hole-in-One
    Mason and Adam spend an evening playing various games, with Mason finally winning a hole-in-one in golf. They remain good friends despite the competition.
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  • Grandpa’s Dogs
    Maya invites Miles to the Club House in heaven for a play date. They discover a secret code to return to Earth and surprise Grandpa, bringing joy to all.
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  • Family Vacation
    A child recounts their family vacations, which were always filled with fights. They are hesitant about going on a cruise but learn to make the best of it and have a great tim…
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  • THE STRONGEST --by Samantha Wang
    A young girl's journey with epilepsy and her family's efforts to raise awareness and funds for research.
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  • Edmonton
    An informative book about the city of Edmonton, Alberta, including its population, attractions, and fun facts.
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