Noble Gas Books

  • The Noble Gas
    Argon, an element in the periodic table, searches for his family among different groups of elements until he finds his place with the noble gases.
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  • The story of Helium
    The story is about a noble gas named Helium, his characteristics, family, and his dream of becoming a balloon.
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  • Argon
    This book provides an informative overview of the element Argon, including its discovery, properties, uses, and isotopes.
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  • Periodic Fun :)
    An informative book about the periodic table, its organization, and the properties of different elements. It also includes a glossary of relevant terms.
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  • Krypton: The Superhero's Element
    Kerry the Krypton Kid, a noble gas, feels lonely until she is discovered by scientists and learns about her properties and uses.
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  • Xenon
    It's my science project, About the element of Xenon, Featuring the other Noble gases.
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  • Neon: The atom that shines alone
    Neon, a noble gas, shares its story of existence in space, its properties, and its rare friendships, highlighting its unique role in the universe and everyday life.
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  • I am Neon...
    Neon, a noble gas, describes its characteristics, family, and uses. It feels lonely but has an important job as a source of light.
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