Nomads Books

  • The Coahuiltecan Tribe of Texas
    This book provides an overview of the Coahuiltecan tribe of Texas, including their daily life, housing, artifacts, and fate.
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  • From Nomad to Farmer
    The story discusses the migration of the first native people to North America, their hunter-gatherer lifestyle, transition to farming, and settlement choices near water bodie…
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  • The Great Wall Of China
    The story is about an emperor's efforts to protect his country from nomadic attacks by building a wall and unifying the clans.
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    A time traveler explores the lives of nomads and the history of the American population.
  • Trip to Mesopotamia
    A family of nomads searches for a place to settle, eventually finding Mesopotamia. They build a house, grow crops, and create an irrigation system.
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  • Turkish States from Past to Present
    I wanted to introduce the Turkish states with this book I wrote. I hope I have been successful.
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    A young girl goes on a picnic and encounters a group of nomads living in poverty. She helps them and learns about their lives, inspiring her to advocate for their rights.
  • Bald Eagle Facts  A through  Z
    It is a non-fiction book with interesting true facts about Bald Eagles
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