Obama Books

  • Who is Barack Obama?
    This book provides a brief biography of Barack Obama, from his childhood in Hawaii and Indonesia to his presidency and accomplishments.
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  • Barack Obama
    A brief biography of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, his background, presidency, and personal interests.
  • OBAMA IS ...
    Obama's journey from a car crash to becoming a cook and running for president, despite his inability to cook.
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  • President Barack Obama
    A biography of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, his accomplishments, and his impact on the nation.
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  • Political Advertisement
    President Obama's efforts to protect the environment and stimulate the economy are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of his decisions.
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  • Lowell Elementary School History
    This wonderful piece of literature has encapsulated true and mostly true stories of Lowell Elementary School in Waterloo, Iowa. It was painstakingly researched and written by…
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  • All About Barack Obama
    A brief biography of Barack Obama, his achievements, and impact on the world.
  • Chronicles of President Vázquez Scales
    A future presidential story told through the eyes/scope of a young man!
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