Palestine Books

  • Country Overview: Palestine
    These are the notes of a young girl learning about Palestine and her Palestinian heritage.
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  • A Trip Around the Globe
    A collection of short paragraphs introducing various topics in geography, history, and culture, followed by a personal reflection on Ancient Egypt.
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  • The love in war
    A love story set in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where John and Maria overcome their differences and live happily ever after.
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  • Jana's Journey a childs journey from Palestine to America
    Jana, a Muslim girl from Palestine, moves to America and faces challenges fitting in. She learns to embrace her culture and starts an organization to educate others.
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  • The Story of a Tree
    The story of a courageous olive tree in Palestine that withstands the attacks of a vicious giant.
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    The Israeli conflict between Israel and Palestine, with the involvement of Hamas, is described as a long-standing problem that has resulted in territorial disputes and strain…
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  • i like to fly
    A child expresses their love for flying, their interest in different countries, and their desire to visit specific landmarks.
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  • Zionism & 1948
    The history of Zionism and the establishment of Israel, including conflicts with Arabs and ongoing tensions.
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