Parental Expectations Books

    The story provides statistics and information about parents' involvement in eTwinning projects, students' demographics, parents' knowledge of STEM and media literacy, and the…
  • The Asian F
    Huy, an Asian boy, struggles to meet his parents' high expectations. After a misunderstanding, they apologize and express their love for him.
  • The Roles of Men and Women
    A brief overview of the parental roles, jobs, and expectations of men and women in the Victorian Era.
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  • From a snowball to an avalanche
    A 13-year-old boy joins a rugby team to prove himself to his parents. After facing challenges, he succeeds and realizes his parents are proud of him.
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  • Science Club
    Samantha and Emily are best friends who love science. When Emily is told she can't be a scientist because she's a girl, Samantha helps her start a STEM club to fight gender i…
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  • The tail of a Man
    Abioye, a child of royalty, resists his parents' expectations to follow in his father's government career. He discovers his passion for filmmaking and becomes successful, ear…
  • Just One Day.
    Asher and Hana meet in school, become friends, and develop a secret romantic relationship. They navigate the challenges of overprotective parents and societal expectations.
  • Parenting Styles
    This book provides an overview of different parenting styles, including authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. It discusses the pros and cons of each style…
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