Poachers Books

  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
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  • All About Elephants
    Facts about elephants, their diet, habits, and endangerment, with a call to action to save them.
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  • Hippopotamus
    A comprehensive guide to hippos, covering their lifespan, diet, types, vulnerability, and interesting facts. Written by a 9-year-old girl inspired by a trip to Walt Disney Wo…
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  • Tales from the Savannah
    Ellie the elephant is attacked by poachers and left injured. She is ignored by other animals until a group of chimps and the Finch family come to her aid, teaching the moral …
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  • Red Pandas
    A brief introduction to red pandas, including their diet, habitat, behavior, and population status.
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  • Albert the Mountain Gorilla
    Albert, a gorilla, learns about poachers and their threat to his village. He finds hope when he discovers a group of people protecting gorillas.
  • Enola's Journey
    Enola, a Saola living in the Annamite Mountains, faces danger from poachers but is saved by her friend Abbott.
  • Mary the lamb and the singing frogs
    Mary helps solve a noise problem between ducks and frogs by leading them to a wheat field with a scarecrow. The birds are scared away, and peace is restored.
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