Run-off Books

  • Journey of a Water Droplet
    A simple and informative book about the water cycle, explaining the processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, and transpiration.
    Eye Icon 9738
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  • My Life as a Water Molecule
    A water molecule named Droplet describes its journey through the water cycle, from evaporation to condensation, precipitation, and back again.
    Eye Icon 21167
    Star Icon 51
  • The Water Cycle
    An informative book about the water cycle, explaining its processes and how water moves through different parts of the Earth.
    Eye Icon 613
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  • The Water Cycle&Different Cloud Shapes
    Dave and Kate explain the water cycle step by step, from evaporation to run-off, using examples and a chart.
    Eye Icon 69
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  • The Stages of Water Cycle
    This book explains the water cycle, including evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, runoff, and infiltration.
    Eye Icon 104
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  • Wally The Water Drop
    Wally the Water Drop goes through the water cycle, experiencing evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff, absorption, and transpiration.
    Eye Icon 314
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  • Clean Up Our City!
    Grace challenges readers to help clean up the city of Danbury by preventing water pollution. She explains the water cycle, surface runoff, watersheds, and human activities th…
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  • The Runoff of Nutrients
    A child living on a farm learns about the importance of nutrient runoff and its impact on rivers, plants, and animals.
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