Samoa Books

  • 2009 Samoan Tsunami
    This story provides information about the 2009 tsunami in Samoa, its impact, and the country's recovery.
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    A story about Samoan culture and daily life, featuring fales, boats, graduation leis, village leaders, coconut trees, traditional clothes, and drinking water.
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  • Our Trip to Samoa
    A family goes on an exciting adventure to Samoa, visiting different islands, experiencing the local culture, and saying goodbye in Samoan and English.
  • Welcome to Samoa
    Noah, a boy who moves to Samoa, learns about the Samoan culture, makes new friends, and experiences various cultural events.
  • A Tongan Myth How Eua Got It's Name T Aisea
    A chief named Sinilau falls in love with a woman named Hina from Samoa. After she is taken by an octopus, Sinilau searches for her and names a cave and beach after her.
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    A description of a remote island in American Samoa, highlighting its landmarks and legends.
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  • The ABC's of Countries
    This is a book about countries named from letter A to letter Z
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  • ABC's of The Flags
    An alphabetical tour of countries, providing brief facts and highlights about each one.
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