Screenings Books

  • Search And Rescue Dogs
    This book provides information about search and rescue dogs, including their breeds, roles, responsibilities, selection, and training. It also highlights their importance in …
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  • The Fundamentals of Basketball
    This book provides an overview of various basketball skills and concepts, including lay-ups, shooting, passing, dribbling, jump shots, screening, offense, defense, and reboun…
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  • hhheh
    This book was made up colloborotively by the partners of HEALTHY EATING ,ACTIVE LIVING ERASMUS +PROJECT KA210-SCH
  • Maple Syrup Urine Disease
    Three families in a small town have newborns diagnosed with Maple Syrup Urine Disease. They learn it's an inherited genetic disorder and must monitor their children's diet.
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  • medical ways to prevent disease.
    This informative book discusses medical procedures to prevent disease, the importance of vaccinations, the UAE National Immunisation Programme, and disease screening for adul…
  • Your kids have a 50% chance to inherit Cystic Fibrosis disease.
    This is an informative piece about Cystic Fibrosis, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. It also includes a case study on genetic counseling and DNA tes…
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  • Search And Rescue Dogs
    A story based on dogs. By students of Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School.
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  • Down Syndrome
    The story explains the causes, risks, and screening tests for Down syndrome, as well as its impact on development. It also mentions toys that can aid in specific areas of dev…
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