Sea Levels Books

  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Rising Sea Levels
    Tom learns about the different spheres of the Earth and the impact of rising sea levels, prompting him to consider ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
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  • ABC's of Sea Level Rise
    An alphabetical exploration of the impacts and causes of climate change, focusing on sea level rise and its consequences.
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  • Ocean Issues: How Climate Change Affects Us All
    This book explores the various ways in which climate change affects the ocean, including rising sea levels, tsunamis, red tides, and more. It also provides practical tips for…
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  • Sea Levels Rising
    The story explains the effects of global warming on Earth, including melting ice, rising sea levels, and habitat loss for animals and humans. It also provides solutions to mi…
  • Sea Levels Danger
    A group of friends discuss the rising sea levels and try to come up with a plan to protect themselves.
  • 5 Themes of Geography
    Exploring the 5 Themes of Geography, connecting to 3rd Grade NC Standards, and connecting them to 3 different locations: Apex, NC; Wilmington, NC; Grand Canyon National Park.
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