Serenity Books

  • Serenity playtime
    Serenity thought her day would be pretty dull, maybe even boring. But as it turned out, it became the best day she'd ever had.
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  • Courage Rising: Serenity's Triumph
    "Serenity's Triumph" is a heartwarming story about a girl who finally finds the courage to stand up to her bully after enduring torment, hurt, and insecurities about herself.
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  • 'S' is for Samuel, Serenity, Sally, and Sid. The story uses the letter 'S' to introduce various words and concepts. It emphasizes vocabulary and word choice.
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  • The Night
    A poetic exploration of the beauty and power of the night, its impact on nature, and its contrast with the day.
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  • My Favorite Place
    A description of the beach and its calming effects on the narrator, as well as their appreciation for nature.
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  • My Anime Alphabet!
    An alphabet book featuring Japanese pop culture characters and their actions, with a note to parents about the complexity of some words.
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  • 5623: Serenity
    This book is about a couple in old england during the industrial revolution
  • The Maine Idea Poetry inspired by the Easternmost town in the United States
    Poetry inspired by Lubec, Maine, one of the Easternmost towns in the United States.
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