Silk Road Books

  • The Great Wall of China and The Silk Road
    The story discusses the construction of the Great Wall of China, its purpose, and its impact on trade through the Silk Road.
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  • The Black Death
    A historical account of the Silk Road and the impact of the Black Death on trade and population in Europe.
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  • The Story of A Mad Queen
    A queen named Anari learns about the impact of feudalism, the Reformation, and the Silk Road on her life.
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  • The Fall of Feudalism
    The story is about Queen Gemini and her role in the feudal society of England. It covers the reasons for the rise and fall of feudalism, including the impact of the Silk Road…
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  • The Great Wall & The Silk Road
    The story of the Great Wall of China and the Silk Road, including the rule of Shi Huangdi and the expansion of trade and religion.
  • My Journeys Along The Silk Road
    The journal of Marco Polo, a Venetian trader who traveled to China in the 13th century and served as an ambassador to Kublai Khan.
  • The Adventures of David Noir
    David Noir recounts his travels along the Silk Road, meeting Christopher Columbus, and witnessing the power struggles in Spain and the New World.
  • The Black Death!!
    The story provides an overview of the Black Death, its origins, spread, symptoms, and impact on society, ending with a note about the Renaissance.
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