Skin Health Books

  • Princess Jess & The Black Dot
    Princess Jess moves from rainy Greenland to sunny Lanisle and experiences sunburn for the first time. She learns about skin health, sunburns, and melanoma from the Royal Skin…
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  • Eating The Rainbow
    This informative book teaches children about the health benefits of different colored fruits and vegetables.
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  • SDGs and Me
    Gary loses his job and home due to rising rent costs in America. He is unable to afford a home and food.
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  • TASTE THE RAINBOW by Jessyca Thomas
    Kenyetta teaches her daughter Kenya about the importance of eating healthy, colorful foods. She explains the benefits of each color group and suggests ways to incorporate the…
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  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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  • Love Your Melanin Within
    My book breaks down for kids the benefits of having melanin which gives them their skin tone, how it's like a superpower, the more you have, the better, why it is so awesome,…
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  • Captain Coo's Journey to Health Island
    Captain Coo travels to Health Island, helping animals with various medical conditions. He educates readers on symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
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  • ABC's of Healty food for a Healthy Body
    This is a book about which foods are a good source of which vitamins and minerals, and how they work in the body.
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